Category: Ghost in the Shellcode (2015)

GitS 2015: Huffy (huffman-encoded shellcode)

Welcome to my fourth and final writeup from Ghost in the Shellcode 2015! This one is about the one and only reversing level, called “huffy”, that was released right near the end.

Unfortunately, while I thought I was solving it a half hour before the game ended, I had messed up some timezones and was finishing it a half hour after the game ended. So I didn’t do the final exploitation step.

At any rate, I solved the hard part, so I’ll go over the solution!

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GitS 2015: Giggles (off-by-one virtual machine)

Welcome to part 3 of my Ghost in the Shellcode writeup! Sorry for the delay, I actually just moved to Seattle. On a sidenote, if there are any Seattle hackers out there reading this, hit me up and let’s get a drink!

Now, down to business: this writeup is about one of the Pwnage 300 levels; specifically, Giggles, which implements a very simple and very vulnerable virtual machine. You can download the binary here, the source code here (with my comments - I put XXX near most of the vulnerabilities and bad practices I noticed), and my exploit here.

One really cool aspect of this level was that they gave source code, a binary with symbols, and even a client (that’s the last time I’ll mention their client, since I dislike Python :) )! That means we could focus on exploitation and not reversing!

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GitS 2015: aart.php (race condition)

Welcome to my second writeup for Ghost in the Shellcode 2015! This writeup is for the one and only Web level, “aart” (download it). I wanted to do a writeup for this one specifically because, even though the level isn’t super exciting, the solution was actually a pretty obscure vulnerability type that you don’t generally see in CTFs: a race condition!

But we’ll get to that after, first I want to talk about a wrong path that I spent a lot of time on. :)

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GitS 2015: (hash extension vulnerability)

As many of you know, last weekend was Ghost in the Shellcode 2015! There were plenty of fun challenges, and as always I had a great time competing! This will be my first of four writeups, and will be pretty simple (since it simply required me to use a tool that already exists (and that I wrote :) ))

The level was called “knockers”. It’s a simple python script that listens on an IPv6 UDP port and, if it gets an appropriately signed request, opens one or more other ports. The specific challenge gave you a signed token to open port 80, and challenged you to open up port 7175. The service itself listened on port 8008 (“BOOB”, to go with the “knockers” name :) ).

You can download the original level here (Python).

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