BSidesSF 2023 Writeups: ROP Petting Zoo (educational challenge!)

ROP Petting Zoo is a challenge designed to teach the principles of return-oriented programming. It’s mostly written in Javascript, with a backend powered by a Ruby web server, along with a tool I wrote called Mandrake. Source code is shared between the three parts of the challenge, and is available here.

Mandrake is a debugger / tracer I wrote that executes a binary and traces all code run between two points. It will show registers, memory, all the good stuff. ROP Petting Zoo is kind of a wrapper around that.

Basically, you have a list of potential ROP gadgets and libc calls. You build a stack from all the ROP gadgets, hit Execute!, and the harness will return to the first address on the stack.

Everything is running forreal in a container, so you get to see what would actually happen if this is a real exploit!

The challenges are very guided / on-rails, with tutorials that show the exact steps you will need to take, but here are the solutions I wrote.

It’s helpful to remember that when a function is called, the arguments are, in order, passed in the registers rdi, rsi, rdx, and rcx.

Level 1

  • print_flag() -> Immediately return to print_flag
  • pop rdi / ret -> Pop the next value into register rdi
  • 0 -> This is what’s popped into rdi
  • exit -> Return to exit(rdi) aka exit(0)

Level 2

  • return_flag() -> Returns the flag in rax
  • mov rdi, rax / ret -> Moves the flag pointer into rdi
  • puts -> Return to puts(rdi) or puts(flag)
  • pop rdi / ret -> Pop the next value into rdi
  • 0 -> This is what’s popped into rdi
  • exit -> Return to exit(rdi) aka exit(0)

Level 3

This part unfortunately ran a lot slower than I’d intended, but hopefully it’s educational enough:

  • write_flag_to_file() -> Writes the flag to a file, returns the name in rax
  • mov rdi, rax / ret -> Moves the filename to rdi, the first parameter to fopen()
  • get_letter_r -> Returns a pointer to the string "r"
  • mov rsi, rax / ret -> Moves the string "r" to rsi, the second parameter to fopen()
  • fopen() -> Return to fopen(rdi, rsi), which is fopen(filename, "r")
  • mov rdx, rax / ret -> Move the file handle into rdx, the third parameter to fgets()
  • get_writable_memory() -> Get a pointer to some writable memory
  • mov rdi, rax / ret -> Move the pointer to writable memory to rdi, the first parameter to fgets()
  • pop rsi / ret -> Move the next value into rsi, the second parameter to fgets()
  • 0xff -> This is what’s moved into rsi
  • fgets() -> Calls fgets(rdi, rsi, rdx), or fgets(writable_memory, 0xff, file_handle)
  • get_writable_memory() -> Gets a handle to the writable memory again
  • mov rdi, rax / ret -> Move the writable memory handle into rdi, the first argument to puts
  • puts -> Call puts(rdi), or puts(writable_memory)
  • pop rdi / ret -> Move the next value into rdi, the first parameter to exit()
  • 0 -> This is what goes into rdi
  • exit() -> exit(rdi) aka exit(0)


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